


Anker MS, von Haehling S, Springer J, Banach M, Anker SD. Highlights of the mechanistic and therapeutic cachexia and sarcopenia research 2010 to 2012 and their relevance for cardiology. Int J Cardiol. 2012 Nov 19. pii: S0167-5273(12)01393-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.10.018. [Epub ahead of print]

2012年10月までの心臓悪液質とサルコペニアの文献のレビューです。選択的アンドロゲン受容体調節剤(enobosarm)とグレリン(anamorelin)は、phase IIIの研究が行われています。多くの医療人に関心をもってほしい領域ですね。

ただ、Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscleからの引用論文が多すぎるという印象です。この雑誌のImpact Factorを高めるためのレビュー論文ではないかという見方もできます。確かに悪液質とサルコペニアの研究は、この雑誌の掲載が多いですが…。


Sarcopenia and cachexia are significant medical problems with a high disease related burden in cardiovascular illness. Muscle wasting and weight loss are very frequent particularly in chronic heart failure and they relate to poor prognosis. Although clinically largely underestimated, the fields of cachexia and sarcopenia are of great relevance to cardiologists. In cachexia and sarcopenia a significant number of research publications related to basic science questions of muscle wasting and lipolysis were published between 2010 and 2012. Recently, the two processes of muscle wasting and lipolysis were found to be closely linked. Treatment research in pre-clinical models involves studies on a number of different therapeutic entities, including ghrelin, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), as well as drugs targeting myostatin or melanocortin-4. In the human setting, studies using enobosarm (a SARM) and anamorelin (ghrelin) are in phase III. The last 3years has seen significant efforts to define the field using consensus statements. In the future, these definitions should also be considered for guidelines and treatment trials in cardiovascular medicine. The current review aims to summarize important information and development in the fields of muscle wasting, sarcopenia and cachexia focussing on findings in cardiovascular research, in order for cardiologists to have a better understanding of the progress in the still not well enough known field.

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