


Marantes I, Achenbach SJ, Atkinson EJ, Khosla S, Melton LJ 3rd, Amin S. Is vitamin D a determinant of muscle mass and strength? J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Sep 13. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.510.

血中ビタミンD濃度と筋肉量や筋力の関係に関しては不明な点が多いです。そのため、地域で生活している男性311人、女性356人を対象に、筋肉量(DEXA)、筋力(握力と大腿四頭筋)と、ビタミンDの血中濃度(25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)(2) D and PTH)の関連を調査しました。

その結果、25(OH)DとPTHに関しては、筋肉量や筋力との関連を認めませんでした。1,25(OH)(2) Dに関しては、65歳以下に限定した場合、筋肉量は男女とも、大腿四頭筋筋力は女性のみ関連を認めました。

25(OH)Dと転倒リスクに関する報告は少なからずありますが、今回の結果から25(OH)Dが低い人で転倒リスクが高まるのは筋力よりも神経筋機能が影響しているのではないかと推測されます。65歳以下での1,25(OH)(2) Dと筋肉量、筋力の関連に関してはさらなる調査が必要としています。


BACKGROUND: There remains little consensus on the link between vitamin D levels and muscle mass or strength. We therefore investigated the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)(2) D), and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels with skeletal muscle mass and strength.
METHODS: We studied 311 men (mean age, 56 yrs; range, 23-91 yrs) and 356 women (mean age, 57 yrs; range, 21-97 yrs) representing an age-stratified, random sample of community adults. Multivariate linear regression models were used to examine the association of skeletal muscle mass (by total body dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) and strength (handgrip force and isometric knee extension moment) with each of 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)(2) D and PTH quartiles, adjusted for age, physical activity, fat mass and season.
RESULTS: We found no consistent association between 25(OH)D or PTH and any of our measurements of muscle mass or strength, in either men or women. However, in subjects younger than 65 years, there was a statistically significant association between low 1,25(OH)(2) D levels and low skeletal mass in both men and women and low isometric knee extension moment and force in women, after adjustment for potential confounders.
CONCLUSION: Modestly low 25(OH)D or high PTH levels may not contribute significantly to sarcopenia or muscle weakness in community adults. The link between low 25(OH)D and increased fall risk reported by others may be due to factors that affect neuromuscular function rather than muscle strength. The association between low 1,25(OH)(2) D and low skeletal mass and low knee extension moment, particularly in younger people, needs further exploration. © 2011 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.

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