
Nutritional rehabilitation

リハ栄養を英語でどう表記するか悩ましく感じています。英語ではNutritional rehabilitationという言葉はそれなりに使われています。例えば、

Mehler PS, et al: Nutritional rehabilitation: practical guidelines for refeeding the anorectic patient. J Nutr Metab. 2010;2010. pii: 625782. Epub 2010 Feb 7.


Weight restoration is crucial for successful treatment of anorexia nervosa. Without it, patients may face serious or even fatal medical complications of severe starvation. However, the process of nutritional rehabilitation can also be risky to the patient. The refeeding syndrome, a problem of electrolyte and fluid shifts, can cause permanent disability or even death. It is essential to identify at-risk patients, to monitor them carefully, and to initiate a nutritional rehabilitation program that aims to avoid the refeeding syndrome. A judicious, slow initiation of caloric intake, requires daily management to respond to entities such as liver inflammation and hypoglycemia that can complicate the body's conversion from a catabolic to an anabolic state. In addition, nutritional rehabilitation should take into account clinical characteristics unique to these patients, such as gastroparesis and slowed colonic transit, so that measures can be taken to ameliorate the physical discomforts of weight restoration. Adjunct methods of refeeding such as the use of enteral or parenteral nutrition may play a small but important role in a select patient group who cannot tolerate oral nutritional rehabilitation alone.

この抄録を読む限り、栄養改善(この論文では摂食障害患者の)=nutritional rehabilitationで、refeeding syndromeを避けるよう注意しなければいけないとあります。いわゆるリハ的なことは記載されていません。


そうすると、リハ栄養の英語訳としてnutritional rehabilitationは不適切となります。スポーツ栄養がsports nutritionですので、リハ栄養はrehabilitation nutritionでよいかと今のところ考えていますが、英語圏でこのような使われ方は現在、心臓領域以外ではされていないようです。


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